Franchising a restaurant is a difficult but highly profitable step. When done correctly, your restaurant business can leap into a new and incredibly positive stage. However, there are still many things you have to do before starting a franchise – let alone a successful one. This article will discuss restaurant franchising, why you might want Read More →
The Top Skills and Attitudes to Look for When Hiring Bar and Restaurant Managers
Bar Management, Hospitality Industry, Restaurant ManagementManagers are critical in creating a well-functioning bar or restaurant. They manage daily operations on the ground and bridge the functions between floor staff and upper management. Hiring the right manager is very important if you want to make your establishment prosper. But how can you find and choose the right one? In this article, Read More →
How to Conduct Effective Employee Performance Reviews in Your Bar and Restaurant
Bar Management, Restaurant ManagementPerformance reviews are critical in fostering a healthy and ever-improving working environment. If you’re a bar and restaurant owner, you know that you need to constantly help your employees improve their skills with a methodical feedback system that encourages and uplifts. But how exactly can you do this? In this article, we’ll help you conduct Read More →
What to Do When You Catch Someone Stealing in Your Bar and Restaurant
Bar Management, Restaurant ManagementEmployee theft is more common than you think. This could be in the form of money but it can also be company assets or inventory such as food and drinks. According to CompareCamp, a SaaS comparison site, 95% of businesses in the US have experienced employee theft in one way or another. This translates to Read More →
4 Ways to Improve Employee Compliance with Glimpse
Bar Management, Glimpse Insights, Restaurant ManagementWhen you have a bar or restaurant business, your staff must be competent and trustworthy. Dynamic establishments like these don’t just require a certain degree of skill to oversee – a high customer turnover can also easily make it a hotspot for inefficiency, ignoring best practices and even crime. If you don’t have mechanisms to Read More →
7 Tips to Help You Generate Rewards and Commission by Referring Glimpse [+ Promotional Templates]
Glimpse InsightsWe recently launched a referral program for Glimpse users and industry suppliers like POS or security camera providers. This means you can now refer Glimpse to eligible bars and restaurants in order to earn rewards and commission fees. If you’re an existing Glimpse user, you can earn a free month of service when a bar Read More →